Differential Expression Analysis: edgeR vs limma

R bioconductor bioinformatics

Perform differential expression analysis and visualise differentially expressed genes in R.

Feifei Li

The dataset being used here is GSE152641(Thair et al. 2021) Before differential expression analysis, we have done:

To load the processed RNA-seq data:

normalised_counts <- readRDS(file = "./data/normalised_counts.rds")
samples           <- readRDS(file = "./data/samples.rds")

Visualising Expression Level

We will be using ComplexHeatmap(Gu, Eils, and Schlesner 2016) for heatmap visualisation of gene expression and circlize(Gu et al. 2014) to generate a colour gredient indicating expression levels of the genes:

if (!requireNamespace("circlize", quietly = TRUE))
if (!requireNamespace("ComplexHeatmap", quietly = TRUE))

We write a function to create a color palette using circlize:

Show code
heatmap_cols <- function(mat, neg = "blue", zero = "white", pos = "red") {
    # Purpose:
    #     Helper function to create a transition colour gradient for a heatmap
    # Parameters:
    #     mat: A RNA-seq count matrix
    #     neg: colour for negative expression values, green by default
    #     zero: colour for expression values of zero, black by default
    #     pos: colour for positive expression values, red by default
    # Value:
    #     cols: a vector of colour gradient indicating expression level
    if (min(mat) == 0) { ## when the lowest expression value is 0
        cols <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(min(mat), max(mat)),
                                     c(zero, pos)
    } else { ## when the lowest expression value is negative
        cols <- circlize::colorRamp2(c(min(mat), 0, max(mat)),
                                     c(neg, zero, pos)

One might ask, how could an expression value be negative? Before answering that, if we directly plot out the gene counts in a heatmap:

Show code
    matrix              = normalised_counts,
    column_title        = paste("Expression Levels of",
                                "Genes in GSE152641"),
    name                = "Expr lvl",
    cluster_rows        = TRUE,
    cluster_columns     = FALSE,
    show_row_dend       = TRUE,
    show_column_dend    = TRUE,
    col                 = heatmap_cols(normalised_counts),
    show_column_names   = FALSE,
    show_row_names      = FALSE,
    show_heatmap_legend = TRUE

We can see nothing. The reason being is that most of the expression values were masked by some expression values that are extremely high. To explain this in a more intuitive way:

Show code
gene_dist <- apply(normalised_counts, MARGIN = 1, FUN = hist, plot = FALSE)
gene_col  <- rainbow(n = length(gene_dist), alpha = 0.5)

xlim <- 0; ylim <- 0;
for (i in seq_along(gene_dist)) {
    xlim <- range(c(xlim, gene_dist[[i]]$breaks))
    ylim <- range(c(ylim, gene_dist[[i]]$counts))

## Find the row that has the max count
gene_max_count <- which(normalised_counts == max(normalised_counts),
                        arr.ind = TRUE)[1]

plot(x        = xlim,
     y        = ylim,
     type     = "n",
     main     = paste("Distributions for Expression Values of",
                      nrow(normalised_counts), "Genes",
                      "in", ncol(normalised_counts), "Samples"),
     cex.main = 0.95,
     xlab     = "TMM normalised CPM",
     ylab     = "Frequency"
for (i in seq_along(gene_dist)){
         col = gene_col[i],
         lty = "blank",
         add = TRUE
       legend = rownames(normalised_counts)[gene_max_count],
       fill   = gene_col[gene_max_count],
       border = gene_col[gene_max_count],
       cex    = 0.75

As shown by the distributions, while only a few genes have high expression values, the majority of the genes have counts far below 20000. A few extremely high expression values can mask most of the other expression values in the heatmap. This is why the heatmap above showing virtually all the genes have the same level of expression in the 86 samples. To show the difference in expression levels between genes, we need to transform the expression values for each gene to comparable scales.

Standardising expression values

A common practice before ploting RNA-seq data in a heatmap is to standardise the normalised counts of a gene across all samples to z-scores, that is, calculate z-scores by genes(rows):

z_mat <- t(                    ## transpose matrix => row = samples, col = genes
    scale(                    ## convert values of each column(gene) to Z scores
        )      ## transpose the transposed matrix => row =  genes, col = samples

The heatmap after z-scoring:

Show code
    matrix              = z_mat,
    column_title        = paste("Expression Levels of",
                                "Genes in 86 Samples of GSE152641"),
    name                = "Expr lvl",
    cluster_rows        = TRUE,
    cluster_columns     = FALSE,
    show_row_dend       = TRUE,
    show_column_dend    = TRUE,
    col                 = heatmap_cols(z_mat),
    show_column_names   = FALSE, ## Too many samples. Will be messy if show them
    show_row_names      = FALSE,
    show_heatmap_legend = TRUE

The expression levels of the 14418 genes now become visible. However, we cannot tell which part of the heatmap corresponds to which sample, or more importantly which group of the 86 samples. Without this piece of information, it will be impossible to show the difference in gene expression level between the healthy control and the COVID-19 patients in the heatmap.

Heatmap annotation

The HeatmapAnnotation object in ComplexHeatmap is dedicated to this purpose. The constructor method for HeatmapAnnotation requires two input arguments: a data frame with a column of group names for each sample and a list with a named vector of colour codes:

## Create a vector named with sample groups
groups         <- levels(factor(samples$group))    ## get group names of samples
ha_cols        <- c("#B00020", "#008B00")
names(ha_cols) <- groups

To present the annotation for the sample groups in a more organised way, we can re-arrange the column order of the count matrix by groups:

group_order <- c(which(samples$group == groups[1]),
                 which(samples$group == groups[2]))    ## column index by groups

And to create a heatmap annotation object using the constructor method:

ha <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(
        df  = data.frame(Sample = samples$group[group_order]),
        col = list(Sample = ha_cols)

The heatmap with an annotation for the sample groups:

Show code
    matrix              = z_mat[ , group_order],
    column_title        = paste("Expression Levels of",
                                "Genes in 86 Samples of GSE152641"),
    name                = "Expr lvl",
    cluster_rows        = TRUE,
    cluster_columns     = FALSE,
    show_row_dend       = TRUE,
    show_column_dend    = TRUE,
    col                 = heatmap_cols(z_mat),
    show_column_names   = FALSE, ## Too many samples. Will be messy if show them
    show_row_names      = FALSE,
    show_heatmap_legend = TRUE,
    top_annotation      = ha      ## put annotation for sample groups at the top

Finally, putting everything above together, we can write a function to avoid duplicate code:

Show code
plotHeatMap <- function(deg   = integer(0),
                        title = "",
                        cols  = c("#B00020", "#008B00")) {
    # Purpose:
    #     Ad-hoc function to standardise values in the input matrix to Z-scores,
    #     and generate a heatmap plot for gene expression with samples ordered
    #     by their groups and annotated.
    # Parameters:
    #     deg    : a vector of differentially expressed genes 
    #     m      : RNA-seq count matrix
    #     samples:
    #              A dataframe specifying to which group a sample belongs.
    #              Note that it only supports samples divided into 2 groups:
    #              control and experimental
    #     title  : Title for the heatmap
    #     cols   :
    #              Colours to annotate the heatmap by groups.
    #              Use preset colours if not supplied.
    # Value:
    #     gene_heatmap: A heatmap object
    # Row normalisation/standardisation to Z-scores
    if (length(deg) == 0) {
        m <- t(
                t(m)            # transpose matrix => row = samples, col = genes
            )                  # convert values of each column(gene) to Z scores
        )       # transpose the transposed matrix => row =  genes, col = samples
    } else {
        m <- t(scale(t(m[which(rownames(m) %in% deg), ])))
    # Get group names of samples
    groups      <- levels(factor(samples$group))
    # Sample order by group
    group_order <- c(which(samples$group == groups[2]),
                     which(samples$group == groups[1]))
    # Annotate heatmap by groups
    ha_cols        <- cols
    names(ha_cols) <- groups
    ha <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(
        df  = data.frame(Sample = samples$group[group_order]),
        col = list(Sample = ha_cols)
    # Create a heatmap object
    gene_heatmap <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(
        matrix              = m[ , group_order],
        column_title        = title,
        name                = "Expr lvl",
        cluster_rows        = TRUE,
        cluster_columns     = FALSE,
        show_row_dend       = TRUE,
        show_column_dend    = TRUE,
        col                 = heatmap_cols(m),
        show_column_names   = FALSE,
        show_row_names      = FALSE,
        show_heatmap_legend = TRUE,
        top_annotation      = ha

DE Analysis by Quasi-Likelihood Methods (QLM)

Model Design

We hypothesise that COVID-19 status of samples was the only factor contributing to differential gene expression. Therefore, we model on group (status COVID-19 and healthy control) such that fitting this design matrix will tell us how the COVID-19 status of a sample explains his/her expression levels of the genes.

model_design <- model.matrix(~group, data = samples)
(Intercept) groupHealthy control
GSM4622627 1 1
GSM4622628 1 1
GSM4622629 1 1
GSM4622630 1 1
GSM4622631 1 1
GSM4622632 1 1
GSM4622633 1 1
GSM4622634 1 1
GSM4622635 1 1
GSM4622636 1 1
GSM4622637 1 1
GSM4622638 1 1
GSM4622639 1 1
GSM4622640 1 1
GSM4622641 1 1
GSM4622642 1 1
GSM4622643 1 1
GSM4622644 1 1
GSM4622645 1 0
GSM4622646 1 0
GSM4622647 1 0
GSM4622648 1 0
GSM4622649 1 0
GSM4622650 1 0
GSM4622651 1 0
GSM4622652 1 0
GSM4622653 1 0
GSM4622654 1 0
GSM4622655 1 0
GSM4622656 1 0
GSM4622657 1 0
GSM4622658 1 0
GSM4622659 1 0
GSM4622660 1 0
GSM4622661 1 0
GSM4622662 1 0
GSM4622663 1 0
GSM4622664 1 0
GSM4622665 1 0
GSM4622666 1 0
GSM4622667 1 0
GSM4622668 1 0
GSM4622669 1 0
GSM4622670 1 0
GSM4622671 1 0
GSM4622672 1 0
GSM4622673 1 0
GSM4622674 1 0
GSM4622675 1 0
GSM4622676 1 0
GSM4622677 1 0
GSM4622678 1 0
GSM4622679 1 0
GSM4622680 1 0
GSM4622681 1 0
GSM4622682 1 0
GSM4622683 1 0
GSM4622684 1 0
GSM4622685 1 0
GSM4622686 1 0
GSM4622687 1 0
GSM4622688 1 0
GSM4622689 1 0
GSM4622690 1 0
GSM4622691 1 0
GSM4622692 1 0
GSM4622693 1 0
GSM4622694 1 0
GSM4622695 1 0
GSM4622696 1 0
GSM4622697 1 0
GSM4622698 1 0
GSM4622699 1 0
GSM4622700 1 0
GSM4622701 1 0
GSM4622702 1 0
GSM4622703 1 0
GSM4622704 1 0
GSM4622705 1 0
GSM4622706 1 0
GSM4622707 1 1
GSM4622708 1 1
GSM4622709 1 1
GSM4622710 1 1
GSM4622711 1 1
GSM4622712 1 1

Note that samples is a data frame labeling samples with their groups:

sample group
GSM4622627 IMX_sample00001 Healthy control
GSM4622628 IMX_sample00002 Healthy control
GSM4622629 IMX_sample00003 Healthy control
GSM4622630 IMX_sample00004 Healthy control
GSM4622631 IMX_sample00005 Healthy control
GSM4622632 IMX_sample00006 Healthy control
GSM4622633 IMX_sample00007 Healthy control
GSM4622634 IMX_sample00008 Healthy control
GSM4622635 IMX_sample00009 Healthy control
GSM4622636 IMX_sample00010 Healthy control
GSM4622637 IMX_sample00011 Healthy control
GSM4622638 IMX_sample00012 Healthy control
GSM4622639 IMX_sample00013 Healthy control
GSM4622640 IMX_sample00014 Healthy control
GSM4622641 IMX_sample00015 Healthy control
GSM4622642 IMX_sample00016 Healthy control
GSM4622643 IMX_sample00017 Healthy control
GSM4622644 IMX_sample00018 Healthy control
GSM4622645 IMX_sample00019 COVID19
GSM4622646 IMX_sample00020 COVID19
GSM4622647 IMX_sample00021 COVID19
GSM4622648 IMX_sample00022 COVID19
GSM4622649 IMX_sample00023 COVID19
GSM4622650 IMX_sample00024 COVID19
GSM4622651 IMX_sample00025 COVID19
GSM4622652 IMX_sample00026 COVID19
GSM4622653 IMX_sample00027 COVID19
GSM4622654 IMX_sample00028 COVID19
GSM4622655 IMX_sample00029 COVID19
GSM4622656 IMX_sample00030 COVID19
GSM4622657 IMX_sample00031 COVID19
GSM4622658 IMX_sample00032 COVID19
GSM4622659 IMX_sample00033 COVID19
GSM4622660 IMX_sample00034 COVID19
GSM4622661 IMX_sample00035 COVID19
GSM4622662 IMX_sample00036 COVID19
GSM4622663 IMX_sample00037 COVID19
GSM4622664 IMX_sample00038 COVID19
GSM4622665 IMX_sample00039 COVID19
GSM4622666 IMX_sample00040 COVID19
GSM4622667 IMX_sample00041 COVID19
GSM4622668 IMX_sample00042 COVID19
GSM4622669 IMX_sample00043 COVID19
GSM4622670 IMX_sample00044 COVID19
GSM4622671 IMX_sample00045 COVID19
GSM4622672 IMX_sample00046 COVID19
GSM4622673 IMX_sample00047 COVID19
GSM4622674 IMX_sample00048 COVID19
GSM4622675 IMX_sample00049 COVID19
GSM4622676 IMX_sample00050 COVID19
GSM4622677 IMX_sample00051 COVID19
GSM4622678 IMX_sample00052 COVID19
GSM4622679 IMX_sample00053 COVID19
GSM4622680 IMX_sample00054 COVID19
GSM4622681 IMX_sample00055 COVID19
GSM4622682 IMX_sample00056 COVID19
GSM4622683 IMX_sample00057 COVID19
GSM4622684 IMX_sample00058 COVID19
GSM4622685 IMX_sample00059 COVID19
GSM4622686 IMX_sample00060 COVID19
GSM4622687 IMX_sample00061 COVID19
GSM4622688 IMX_sample00062 COVID19
GSM4622689 IMX_sample00063 COVID19
GSM4622690 IMX_sample00064 COVID19
GSM4622691 IMX_sample00065 COVID19
GSM4622692 IMX_sample00066 COVID19
GSM4622693 IMX_sample00067 COVID19
GSM4622694 IMX_sample00068 COVID19
GSM4622695 IMX_sample00069 COVID19
GSM4622696 IMX_sample00070 COVID19
GSM4622697 IMX_sample00071 COVID19
GSM4622698 IMX_sample00072 COVID19
GSM4622699 IMX_sample00073 COVID19
GSM4622700 IMX_sample00074 COVID19
GSM4622701 IMX_sample00075 COVID19
GSM4622702 IMX_sample00076 COVID19
GSM4622703 IMX_sample00077 COVID19
GSM4622704 IMX_sample00078 COVID19
GSM4622705 IMX_sample00079 COVID19
GSM4622706 IMX_sample00080 COVID19
GSM4622707 IMX_sample00081 Healthy control
GSM4622708 IMX_sample00082 Healthy control
GSM4622709 IMX_sample00083 Healthy control
GSM4622710 IMX_sample00084 Healthy control
GSM4622711 IMX_sample00085 Healthy control
GSM4622712 IMX_sample00086 Healthy control

Multiple Hypothesis Testing for Differentially Expressed Genes by QLM

We first use edgeR(Robinson, McCarthy, and Smyth 2009)(McCarthy, Chen, and Smyth 2012) to estimate the dispersion. Note that edgeR stores data in a DGEList object and perform analyses on it:

d       <- edgeR::DGEList(counts = normalised_counts,
                          group  = samples$group)
d       <- edgeR::estimateDisp(d, model_design) # dispersion of normalised count
fit_qlm <- edgeR::glmQLFit(d, model_design)

In this step, QL dispersion was estimated with edgeR(Robinson, McCarthy, and Smyth 2009)(McCarthy, Chen, and Smyth 2012) by fitting a QL negative binomial (NB) generalised linear model (glm) to the DGEList data containing the normalised counts and the estimated NB dispersions (visualised with the BCV and the mean-variance plot), along with the design matrix we just created.

We then use the fitted result to conduct genewise QL F-test for the coefficients of our defined sample groups.

qlf_SARS2vsHC <- edgeR::glmQLFTest(fit_qlm, coef = colnames(model_design)[2])

This step calculates the p-values for each of the genes in our expression set.

QL F-test P-values Comparison: FDR-correcred vs Uncorrected

Extract the top differentially expressed tags ranked by p-values from the result of the QL F-test and display the number of genes that passed the correction:

Number of genes with p-value < 0.05 Number of genes that pass after correction
7805 6856

The threshold for showing statistically significant evidence for differential expression was set to \(p < 0.05\) for each gene. This means genes that are captured only have less 5% chance to show such differences in expression between groups if they were non-differentially expressed genes.

Note that edgeR by default uses the false discovery rate (FDR/Benjamini-Hochberg) method to correct p-values for false positive results. This method was applied because we need to control for the the liklihood of false positive results that would increase by chance with the increasing number of tests performed. The threshold for the corrected p-value (FDR) is also set to be \(<0.05\) to capture genes that have false positive results for fewer than 5% of the significant tests.

Volcano Plot

After hypothesis testing for detecting differentially expressed genes, it is of interest to compare the fold changes against the statistical significance levels. Commonly used to visualise this comparison for two treatment conditions is the volcano plot, where the horizontal dimension is the fold change between the two groups on the base-2 log scale, and the vertical dimension is the adjusted P-values on the negative base-10 log scale.

Another plot often used in interpreting the results of differential gene expression analysis is the MA plot, where the horizontal dimension is the mean of normalised gene counts (A) and the vertical dimension the fold changes, both on the base-2 log scale.(McDermaid et al. 2018) However, a volcano plot is a more preferable option to an MA plot for visualising DGE results, because an MA plot does not consider the association between the results of multiple hypothesis testing and the changes in expression levels between the two groups.

To create volcano plots with base R, we can write a simple function:

Show code
plotVolcano <- function(df, title, gene_of_interest = integer(0)) {
    # Purpose:
    #     Plot a vocanol plot conveniently with highlighted genes of interest.
    # Parameters:
    #     df: A dataframe dedicated to this dataset,
    #         must include the following ordered columns, regardless of names:
    #         column 1: HGNC gene symbol
    #         column 2: Fold change on log2 scale
    #         column 3: negated P-value on log10 scale
    #     title: title of the plot
    #     gene_of_interst:
    #         A vector of genes to highlight, optional
    # Value:
    #     result: A volcano plot with genes of interest highlighted.
    cols <- c("insig"     = "grey",
              "sig"       = "#2cbe88",
              "highlight" = "#d03b41")
    df$colour         <- cols["insig"]
    sig               <- which(df[ , 3] > -log10(0.05))
    df[sig, "colour"] <- cols["sig"]
    highlight <- integer(0)
    if (length(gene_of_interest) > 0)
        highlight <- which(df[ , 1] %in% gene_of_interest)

    x <- df[ ,2]
    y <- df[ ,3]
    if (length(highlight) > 0)
        df[highlight, "colour"] <- cols["highlight"]
    plot(x    = df[-highlight, 2],
         y    = df[-highlight, 3],
         col  = df[-highlight, "colour"],
         xlab = expression("Log"[2]*" fold change"),
         ylab = expression("-Log"[10]*" P"),
         main = title)
    if (length(highlight) > 0) {
        points(x      = df[highlight, 2],
               y      = df[highlight, 3],
               col    = df[highlight, "colour"],
               pch    = 8,
               cex    = 1.5,
               lwd    = 2)
        text(x        = df[highlight, 2],
             y        = df[highlight, 3],
             labels   = df[highlight, 1],
             cex      = 0.75)
        legend(x      = min(df[ , 2]),
               y      = max(df[ , 3]),
               legend = c("has evidence of DE",
                          "gene of interest"),
               col    = c(cols["sig"], cols["insig"], cols["highlight"]),
               pch    = c(1, 1, 8),
               cex    = 0.75)
    } else {
        legend(x      = min(df[ , 2]),
               y      = max(df[ , 3]),
               legend = c("has evidence of DE", "insignificant"),
               col    = c(cols["sig"], cols["insig"]),
               cex    = 0.75)
    abline(h    = -log10(0.05),
           col  = "#0c82b7",
           lty  = 2,
           lwd  = 1.5)
    text(x      = min(df[ , 2]) + 0.25,
         y      = -log10(0.05)  + 0.5,
         labels = "p = 0.05",
         col    = "#0c82b7")

There are also packages that offer functions to create fancy volcano/MA plots such as vidger, but it is more fun to write one yourself:)

Show code
qlf_volcano <- data.frame(
    gene       = rownames(qlf_output_hits$table),
    log2FC     = qlf_output_hits$table$logFC,
    neg_log10P = -log10(qlf_output_hits$table$FDR)
    df               = qlf_volcano,
    title            = "QL F-test Results for 14418 Genes (HC vs COVID-19)",
    gene_of_interest = c("ACO1", "ATL3", "ZC3H13", "AMIGO1")

ACO1, ATL3, ZC3H13, and AMIGO1 are highlighted in the volcano plot. The reason is that the original study identified ACO1 and ATL3 to be completely discordant and oppositely regulated in COVID-19 and non-COVID-19 viral infections: ACO1 is over-expressed in COVID-19 and under-expressed in non-COVID19 infections, while ATL3 is under-expressed in COVID-19 and over-expressed in non-COVID-19 infections. The volcano plot is consistent with this observation made in the original study. As for ZC3H13 and AMIGO1, the author believes their expression may be inhibited by COVID-19 to escape the host response, and this is to be investigated in future studies.

Heatmap for QLF top-hit Genes

Show code
tophits_qlf <- rownames(
  qlf_output_hits$table[which(qlf_output_hits$table$FDR < 0.05), ]

plotHeatMap(deg     = tophits_qlf,
            m       = normalised_counts,
            samples = samples,
            title   = "Expression Levels of QLF Top-hit Genes")

The heatmap plotted from the top-hit genes (\(\mathrm{FDR}< 0.05\)) from the differential expression analysis exhibits clusters of up-regulated and down-regulated expressions between the two group. This was not observed in the heatmap plotted using all the genes because here we have removed genes that show no significant evidence for differential expression for COVID-19 status (\(\mathrm{FDR}\geq 0.05\)), which introduced noises in the first heatmap.

Differential Expression Analysis by Linear Models of MircroArray (Limma)

Limma(Ritchie et al. 2015) has two methods for differential expression analysis: the precision weights approach (voom) and the empirical Bayes prior trend approach (limma-trend). The later limma-trend appraoch is simpler and more robust than voom, provided that the sequencing depth across the RNA samples is reasonably consistent. According to the limma user guide, the sequencing depth is considered to be reasonably consistent if the ratio of the largest library size to the smallest is not more than about 3-fold. The limma-trend method is applied here.(Phipson et al. 2016)

Multiple Hypothesis Testing

We are fitting the same model matrix as the one we used for the QLM fitting. Note that limma uses logCPM rather than CPM itself:

fit_limma <- limma::lmFit(log2(normalised_counts),
                          design = model_design)

Then we apply empircal Bayes to compute differential expression:

fit_limma <- limma::eBayes(
    fit   = fit_limma,
    trend = T # specific to RNA-seq, as we are not working with microarray data

Get the top hits ranked by P-values:

limma_output_hits <- limma::topTable(
    fit           = fit_limma,
    coef          = which(colnames(fit_limma$coefficients) == "groupHealthy control"),
    adjust.method = "BH", # use Benjamni-Hochberg to correct for p-values
    number        = nrow(normalised_counts)
limma_output_hits <- limma_output_hits[order(limma_output_hits$P.Value), ]

P-value adjustment methods

For the results of empircal Bayes, we are able to select whatever p-value correction mathods R offers:

[1] "holm"       "hochberg"   "hommel"     "bonferroni" "BH"        
[6] "BY"         "fdr"        "none"      

Note that BH and fdr are synonymous; they both refer to the Benjamini-Hochberg procedure for FDR control. According to R documentation for these adjustment methods, holm, hochberg, hommel, and bonferroni are designed to control the family-wise error rate (the probability of making one or more false postive discoveries; Type 1 error) and they control the probability of making such error in the multi-hypotheses testing. BH/fdr and BY on the other hand allow false positive results, but control the proportion out of the significant tests. This means the latter two methods are less conservative and stringent than the first four. Although hommel is a more powerful method, the R documentation states that the difference between the results of these two methods are small while the p-values of BH are faster to calculate. Therefore the FDR method was also chosen here.

Limma P-values Comparison: BH-adjusted vs Unadjusted

Check the number of genes that have P-values below the 0.05 cutoff and genes that have Benjamni-Hochberg corrected P-values below the cutoff:

Number of genes with p-value < 0.05 Number of genes that pass after correction
8222 7361

The result is similar to that of the QLM F-test, with more genes that passed the corrected p-value threshold.

Volcano Plot for Limma top-hit Genes

Show code
limma_volcano <- data.frame(
    gene       = rownames(limma_output_hits),
    log2FC     = limma_output_hits$logFC,
    neg_log10P = -log10(limma_output_hits$adj.P.Val)
    df               = limma_volcano,
    title            = "Limma-eBayes Results for 14418 Genes (HC)",
    gene_of_interest = c("ACO1", "ATL3", "ZC3H13", "AMIGO1")

The volcano plot is nearly identical to the one for the edgeR result.

Heatmap for Limma top-hit Genes

Show code
tophits_limma <- rownames(limma_output_hits[which(
    limma_output_hits$adj.P.Val < 0.05
    ), ])
plotHeatMap(deg     = tophits_limma,
            m       = normalised_counts,
            title   = "Expression Levels of Limma Top-hit Genes",
            samples = samples)

The heatmap for the limma top-hit genes has the same pattern of clusters as the one for the QLF top-hit genes. This again is because we only retain genes that are shown to be significantly differentially expressed by limma-eBayes, and plotted the two groups side-by-side for comparison.

Result: Comparing QL F-test and Limma Results

Show code
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))
# Scatter plots for un-adjusted p-values ======================================
qlf_pvalues     <- data.frame(
    gene_name      = rownames(qlf_output_hits$table),
    qlf_pvalue     = qlf_output_hits$table$PValue,
    qlf_pvalue_adj = qlf_output_hits$table$FDR
limma_pvalues     <- data.frame(
    gene_name        = rownames(limma_output_hits),
    limma_pvalue     = limma_output_hits$P.Value,
    limma_pvalue_adj = limma_output_hits$adj.P.Val
qlf_limma_pvalues <- merge(
    x    = qlf_pvalues,
    y    = limma_pvalues,
    by.x = "gene_name",
    by.y = "gene_name",
qlf_limma_pvalues$colour <- "grey"
# Colour for QLF p-values below cutoff
    which(qlf_limma_pvalues$qlf_pvalue < 0.05)] <- "#92d964"
# colours for limma p-values below cutoff
    which(qlf_limma_pvalues$limma_pvalue < 0.05)] <- "#29a2ca"
# Colour for intersection of QLF and limma p values below cutoff
    qlf_limma_pvalues$qlf_pvalue   < 0.05 &
    qlf_limma_pvalues$limma_pvalue < 0.05)] <- "#fae213"
    x        = qlf_limma_pvalues$limma_pvalue,
    y        = qlf_limma_pvalues$qlf_pvalue,
    col      = qlf_limma_pvalues$colour,
    xlab     = "Limma Unadjusted P-values",
    ylab     = "QLF Unadjusted P-values",
    cex.lab  = 0.75,
    main     = "QLF vs Limma for Unadjusted P-values",
    cex.main = 0.75
    x      = 0,
    y      = 1,
    legend = c("QLF", "Limma", "Both", "not significant"),
    fill   = c("#92d964", "#29a2ca", "#fae213", "grey"),
    cex    = 0.5
qlf_limma_pvalues$colour <- "grey"
# Scatter plots for adjusted p-values =========================================
# Colour for FDR-corrected QLF p-values below cutoff
    qlf_limma_pvalues$qlf_pvalue_adj < 0.05)] <- "#168c6e"
# Colour for BH-adjusted limma p-values below cutoff
    qlf_limma_pvalues$limma_pvalue_adj < 0.05)] <- "#234eaa"
# Colour for intersection of corrected QLF and limma p values below cutoff
    qlf_limma_pvalues$limma_pvalue_adj < 0.05 &
    qlf_limma_pvalues$qlf_pvalue_adj < 0.05)] <- "#cb641d"
    x        = qlf_limma_pvalues$limma_pvalue_adj,
    y        = qlf_limma_pvalues$qlf_pvalue_adj,
    col      = qlf_limma_pvalues$colour,
    xlab     = "Limma BH-corrected P-values",
    ylab     = "QLF FDR-corrected P-values",
    cex.lab  = 0.75,
    main     = "QLF vs Limma for Adjusted P-values",
    cex.main = 0.75
    x        = 0,
    y        = 1,
    legend   = c("QLF", "Limma", "Both", "not significant"),
    fill     = c("#168c6e", "#234eaa", "#cb641d", "grey"),
    cex      = 0.5

The p-values calculated by QLF and Limma methods appear to be patternless. These two methods only capture a small common subset of differentially expressed genes. A question one might ask is, which method is better to use. Unfortunately this is also a question that I have not been able to answer. For RNA-seq differential expression analysis, I prefer edgeR to limma as limma is mostly used for microarray analyses, and the RNA-seq data is analysed as if it was microarray data by limma.

To Do

In later posts, enrichment or over-representation analysis (ORA) will be performed based on the DE analysis result by edgeR. Before performing the enrichment analysis, we need to create thresholded lists of genes for thresholded ORA and a ranked gene list for gene set enrichment analysis (GSEA).

Thresholded List

We need to create 2 thresholded lists: one for the differentially expressed genes that were up-regulated, and one for those downregulated, with a threshold of 0.05 for the FDR-corrected p-value.

upregulated_genes <- rownames(qlf_output_hits$table[which(
    qlf_output_hits$table$FDR < 0.05 & qlf_output_hits$table$logFC > 0
write.table(x         = upregulated_genes,
            file      = file.path(".", "data", "covid19_upregulated_genes.txt"),
            sep       = "\t",
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE,
            quote     = FALSE)
downregulated_genes <- rownames(qlf_output_hits$table[which(
    qlf_output_hits$table$FDR < 0.05 & qlf_output_hits$table$logFC < 0
write.table(x         = downregulated_genes,
            file      = file.path(".", "data", "covid19_downregulated_genes.txt"),
            sep       = "\t",
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE,
            quote     = FALSE)

Ranked List

A non-thresholded, ranked list of genes for GSEA:

gene_rank <- data.frame(
    genename = rownames(qlf_output_hits$table),
    F_stat   = -log(qlf_output_hits$table$FDR,
                    base = 10) * sign(qlf_output_hits$table$logFC)
write.table(x         = gene_rank,
            file      = file.path(".", "data", "covid19_ranked_genelist.txt"),
            sep       = "\t",
            row.names = FALSE,
            col.names = FALSE,
            quote     = FALSE)

Note that we define the rank to be \(-\log_{10}{\mathrm{FDR}} \ \cdot\ \operatorname{sgn}(\log{\mathrm{FC}})\). With the \(-\log_{10}{\mathrm{FDR}}\), the samller the (corrected) p-value for a gene is, the higher the rank of that gene, regardless of whether it is up- or downregulated. The other term \(\operatorname{sgn}(\log{\mathrm{FC}})\) take into account the factor of regulation of gene expression: if it is up-regulated, then it will be ranked from the top; if it is down-regulated, then it will be ranked from the bottom. Thereby we have genes that show the most statistically significant evidence of differential expression at the top for those upregulated, and the bottom of the list for those downregulated, while genes in the middle are least significant.

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For attribution, please cite this work as

Li (2021, July 26). ffli.dev: Differential Expression Analysis: edgeR vs limma. Retrieved from https://www.ffli.dev/posts/2021-07-26-differential-expression-analysis-edger-vs-limma/

BibTeX citation

  author = {Li, Feifei},
  title = {ffli.dev: Differential Expression Analysis: edgeR vs limma},
  url = {https://www.ffli.dev/posts/2021-07-26-differential-expression-analysis-edger-vs-limma/},
  year = {2021}