GEO DataSets: Experiment Selection and Initial Processing

R bioconductor bioinformatics

A walkthrough of processing bulk RNA-seq data from the GEO database purely in R.

Feifei Li true

This article demonstrates a pure R workflow of finding experiments of interest, downloading datasets of experiments of interest from the Gene Expression Omnibus (GEO) database, and processing the bulk RNA-seq counts data.

The readers are assumed to have certain degree of understanding of what the GEO database is.

Finding Experiments of Interest

GEO metadata repository: GEOmetadb

GEOmetadb is a thin wrapper around a SQLite database into which all the most up-to-date NCBI GEO metadata that are associated with GEO samples (GSM), GEO platforms (GPL), GEO data series (GSE), and curated GEO datasets (GDS) are parsed.(Zhu et al. 2008) It enables querying the GEO database using R scripts without accessing the webpage. Although NCBI’s public API to the NCBI Entrez system The E-utilities also also offers an option for scripting queries for finding datasets of interest in the GEO database, the E-utilities are difficult to use (e.g. might need HTTP POST calls for long queries) and require extra effort to learn.

To install GEOmetadb via Bioconductor:

if (!requireNamespace("GEOmetadb", quietly = TRUE))
    BiocManager::install("GEOmetadb", ask = FALSE)

We will also create a directory ./data dedicated to storing data files under the working directory:

if(!dir.exists("./data")) {
    dir.create("./data", showWarnings = FALSE)

Then we download the SQLite database that has the GEO metadata into ./data via GEOmetadb:

# Download GEOmeta database if not found
metadb <- file.path(".", "data", "GEOmetadb.sqlite")
if(!file.exists(metadb)) {
    ## avoid re-downloading the 11G database everytime running the script
    metadb <- GEOmetadb::getSQLiteFile(destdir = "./data")

Querying GEO database

For this demonstration, we are interested in experiments that:

To build an query to find experiments that meet the above conditions:

query <- paste(
    "gpl.title AS platform,",
    "JOIN gse_gpl ON gse_gpl.gse = gse.gse",
    "JOIN gpl ON gse_gpl.gpl = gpl.gpl",
    "gse.submission_date > '2015-01-01' AND",           # not older than 6 years
    "gse.title LIKE '%SARS-CoV-2%' AND ",                  # experiment on COVID
    "gpl.organism LIKE '%Homo sapiens%' AND", # dataset of human cells or tissue
    " LIKE '%high-throughput seq%'")                # RNA-seq data

The ER diagram for the GEOmetadb SQLite database is represented as the following. This might come in useful when constructing an SQL statement querying the database.

The entity-relationship diagram for the GEOmetadb database (Zhu et al. 2008)

For the GEO accession prefixes present in the figure:

To establish a connection with the SQLite database:

# Establish connection to GEOmetadb.sqlite
con <- DBI::dbConnect(drv    = RSQLite::SQLite(),   ## an object of SQLiteDriver
                      dbname = metadb)

Note that packages DBI and RSQLite have already been implicitly installed as dependencies for GEOmetadb. Therefore we can directly make the function calls here.

To submit the query to the database:

result <- DBI::dbGetQuery(conn = con, statement = query) ## save query result

Closing connection to the database:

DBI::dbDisconnect(con) ## close connection
rm(con) ## not a necessary step, just wanna keep my workspace clean

Filtering Query Result

The SQL query result is returned as a list object by the wrapper function in R. The result should have the following columns:

[1] "title"              "gse"                "platform"          
[4] "submission_date"    "supplementary_file"

We would like to select from only those experiments whose datasets contain RNA-seq count matrices:

hasCounts <- result$supplementary_file[
        pattern     = "count", ## keyword to look for in experiment data files = TRUE

This extracts a vector of FTP links to the files that include RNA-seq counts. Then from the FTP links, we extract the GSE series numbers from their file names using regex:

hasCounts_gse <- unlist(
               regexec("GSE[0-9]{4,}[^/]", hasCounts)
SELECT_ROWS       <- result$gse %in% hasCounts_gse
candidate_dataset <- result[SELECT_ROWS, ]

The GSE series numbers and titles of the qualified candidate experiments (candidate_dataset) that contain RNA-seq data are as follows:

title gse
1 Transcriptional response of human lung epithelial cells to SARS-CoV-2 infection GSE147507
2 SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 is an interferon-stimulated gene in human airway epithelial cells and is detected in specific cell subsets across tissues GSE148829
3 SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 is an interferon-stimulated gene in human airway epithelial cells and is detected in specific cell subsets across tissues GSE148829
5 Spectrum of Viral Load and Host Response Seen in Autopsies of SARS-CoV-2 Infected Lungs GSE150316
9 RNA-Seq of Human iPSC-cardiomyocytes infected with SARS-CoV-2 GSE150392
10 In vivo antiviral host response to SARS-CoV-2 by viral load, sex, and age GSE152075
12 Severely ill COVID-19 patients display a defective exhaustion program in SARS-CoV-2 reactive CD8+ T cells GSE153931
13 Primary Human Airway Epithelial Cultures infected with SARS-CoV-2 GSE153970
14 In vivo antiviral host response to SARS-CoV-2 by viral load, sex, and age [dataset II] GSE154768
15 In vivo antiviral host response to SARS-CoV-2 by viral load, sex, and age [dataset III] GSE154769
22 Upper airway gene expression differentiates COVID-19 from other acute respiratory illnesses and reveals suppression of innate immune responses by SARS-CoV-2 GSE156063
24 Acute SARS-CoV-2 Infection in a Universal In Vivo Model for Potential Human Pandemic Coronaviruses is Cytopathic and Elicits a Robust and Sustained Host Innate Immune Response GSE155286
25 Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Neural Cells and Brain Organoids Reveal SARS-CoV-2 Neurotropism Predominates in Choroid Plexus Epithelium GSE157852
28 Expression of SARS-CoV-2 receptor ACE2 and coincident host response signature varies by asthma inflammatory phenotype GSE158752
30 SARS-CoV-2 infected cells present HLA-I peptides from canonical and out-of-frame ORFs GSE159191
31 SARS-CoV-2 infected cells present HLA-I peptides from canonical and out-of-frame ORFs GSE159191
34 Cardiomyocytes Infected by SARS-CoV-2 Recruit Cardiotoxic Macrophages [bulk RNA-seq dataset) GSE151879
35 Cardiomyocytes Infected by SARS-CoV-2 Recruit Cardiotoxic Macrophages [bulk RNA-seq dataset) GSE151879
42 Identification of required host factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection in human cells [RNA-seq] GSE159522
44 SARS-CoV-2 infection of primary human lung epithelium for COVID-19 modeling and drug discovery GSE155518
48 Temporal and Spatial Heterogeneity of Host Response to SARS-CoV-2 Pulmonary Infection [gene expression] GSE159787
53 Single Nucleus RNA-Seq Multiomic Profiling Reveals Age-Dynamic Regulation of Host Genes Associated with SARS-CoV-2 Infection [scRNA-Seq] GSE161382
56 Genome-scale identification of SARS-CoV-2 and pan-coronavirus host factor networks GSE162038
57 Functional interrogation of a SARS-CoV-2 host protein interactome identifies unique and shared coronavirus host factors GSE162039
58 Metabolic reprogramming and epigenetic changes of vital organs in SARS-CoV-2 induced systemic toxicity GSE162113
59 Infection of human Nasal Epithelial Cells with SARS-CoV-2 and a 382-nt deletion isolate lacking ORF8 reveals similar viral kinetics and host transcriptional profiles GSE162131
63 Transcriptomic Similarities and Differences in Host Response between SARS-CoV-2 and Other Viral Infection GSE152641
64 Bulk RNA sequencing of SARS-CoV-2 infected alveolar type I- and type II like cells GSE153218
73 Identification of Drugs Blocking SARS-CoV-2 Infection using Human Pluripotent Stem Cell-derived Colonic Organoids GSE148696
74 Response to SARS-CoV-2 infection in cornea, limbus and sclera from human donors GSE164073
76 Dysregulated transcriptional responses to SARS-CoV-2 in the periphery support novel diagnostic approaches GSE161731
78 A Multiplexed, Next-Generation Sequencing Platform for High-Throughput Detection of SARS-CoV-2 [PoC cohort] GSE160031
79 A Multiplexed, Next-Generation Sequencing Platform for High-Throughput Detection of SARS-CoV-2 [test cohort] GSE160032
80 A Multiplexed, Next-Generation Sequencing Platform for High-Throughput Detection of SARS-CoV-2 [pilot cohort] GSE160033
81 A Multiplexed, Next-Generation Sequencing Platform for High-Throughput Detection of SARS-CoV-2 [extended cohort] GSE160034
84 SARS-CoV-2 infection of human pancreatic islets GSE159717
94 Expression profiling of SARS-CoV-2 infected patients by RNA-seq GSE154244

We choose GSE152641 from the candidate studies to be our experiment of interest for the following demonstration.

series <- "GSE152641" ## GEO series ID

Always read the publication of the original experiment and understand the experiment before starting the analysis.

Overview of the chosen experiment

The original study of GSE152641(Thair et al. 2021) performed expression analysis on genes of these 86 samples and compiled expression data of prior studies on six viruses: influenza, RSV, HRV, Ebola, Dengue, and SARS in an attempt to isolate COVID-19 biomarkers from other viral infections. The RNA-seq data was generated by profiling peripheral blood from 62 COVID-19 patients and 24 healthy controls via bulk RNA-seq. The RNA-seq count matrix in the data file consists of 20460 unique Entrez gene IDs along the rows and 86 samples (biological replicates) along the columns.

Downloading Dataset

GEOquery provides easy and quick methods for accessing data from GEO (Davis and Meltzer 2007):

if (!requireNamespace("GEOquery", quietly = TRUE))
    BiocManager::install("GEOquery", ask = FALSE)

To download the RNA-seq data file for the corresponding GSE series number from GEO:

## Get names of data files
fname <- GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(GEO           = series,
                                   fetch_files   = FALSE,  ## Don't download yet
                                   makeDirectory = FALSE)$fname

## Download the dataset if it's never downloaded into the data directory
if (!file.exists(file.path(getwd(), "data", fname))) {
    GEOquery::getGEOSuppFiles(GEO           = series,
                              baseDir       = "./data",
                              makeDirectory = FALSE)

The dataset file has been downloaded in ./data. Note that this experiment has only 1 supplementary file; some experiments could have more than just one. Therefore you might want to check what’s in fname or look up the GEO accession viewer before proceeding.

RNA-seq Counts Normalisation

Normalising RNA-seq counts is a necessary step of initial data processing prior to the differential expression analysis. The reason is that direct comparison of raw count values does not account for the effects of factors that introduce systematic errors such as different gene lengths and GC-content between genes within a biological replicate, different sequencing depth between biological replicates, and true biological differences in RNA composition between biological replicates, which have a significant impact on downstream analysis (e.g. differential expression analysis). The goal of normalisation is to minimise the effects of systematic errors by taking into account these factors.

There exist various normalisation methods. They come with different assumptions and correct for different factors. Evans, C., Hardin, J., and Stoebel, D. M. have published a detailed review on several common normalisation methods (DESeq, Med, Q, RPKM and ERPKM, TMM, UQ) and discussed how to choose the appropriate normalisation method based on their assumptions. (Evans, Hardin, and Stoebel 2016)

Here we use the trimmed mean of M-values (TMM) normalisation method implemented in edgeR (Mark D. Robinson, McCarthy, and Smyth 2009)(McCarthy, Chen, and Smyth 2012a):

if (!requireNamespace("edgeR", quietly = TRUE))
    BiocManager::install("edgeR", ask = FALSE)

TMM Normalisation

The TMM approach assumes the majority of genes are not differentially expressed. It takes into account sequencing depth, gene length, and RNA composition, making the normalised count values comparable within and between samples. Readers can consult the original publication of TMM normalisation for complete details of this method. (Mark D. Robinson and Oshlack 2010)

The following normalisation procedure is based on the edgeR differential expression analysis protocol, step 14. i-v. (Anders et al. 2013)

Loading dataset

covid19_exp <- read.csv(
    file        = file.path(".", "data", fname),
    header      = TRUE,
    check.names = FALSE ## prevent R from messing up column names

To view the first 5 genes of the count matrix:

IMX_sample00001 IMX_sample00002 IMX_sample00003 IMX_sample00004 IMX_sample00005 IMX_sample00006 IMX_sample00007 IMX_sample00008 IMX_sample00009 IMX_sample00010 IMX_sample00011 IMX_sample00012 IMX_sample00013 IMX_sample00014 IMX_sample00015 IMX_sample00016 IMX_sample00017 IMX_sample00018 IMX_sample00019 IMX_sample00020 IMX_sample00021 IMX_sample00022 IMX_sample00023 IMX_sample00024 IMX_sample00025 IMX_sample00026 IMX_sample00027 IMX_sample00028 IMX_sample00029 IMX_sample00030 IMX_sample00031 IMX_sample00032 IMX_sample00033 IMX_sample00034 IMX_sample00035 IMX_sample00036 IMX_sample00037 IMX_sample00038 IMX_sample00039 IMX_sample00040 IMX_sample00041 IMX_sample00042 IMX_sample00043 IMX_sample00044 IMX_sample00045 IMX_sample00046 IMX_sample00047 IMX_sample00048 IMX_sample00049 IMX_sample00050 IMX_sample00051 IMX_sample00052 IMX_sample00053 IMX_sample00054 IMX_sample00055 IMX_sample00056 IMX_sample00057 IMX_sample00058 IMX_sample00059 IMX_sample00060 IMX_sample00061 IMX_sample00062 IMX_sample00063 IMX_sample00064 IMX_sample00065 IMX_sample00066 IMX_sample00067 IMX_sample00068 IMX_sample00069 IMX_sample00070 IMX_sample00071 IMX_sample00072 IMX_sample00073 IMX_sample00074 IMX_sample00075 IMX_sample00076 IMX_sample00077 IMX_sample00078 IMX_sample00079 IMX_sample00080 IMX_sample00081 IMX_sample00082 IMX_sample00083 IMX_sample00084 IMX_sample00085 IMX_sample00086
1 12 1 10 12 4 12 7 14 19 11 3 11 10 7 11 27 7 4 15 9 8 8 8 5 2 5 0 2 3 12 0 10 3 3 1 7 7 7 5 0 3 0 0 2 6 11 0 6 6 1 3 0 9 7 0 13 2 13 1 0 4 7 6 2 11 2 4 4 8 6 1 1 5 5 0 0 2 0 2 3 1 4 10 0 1 4
2 2670 2432 781 2381 2622 3273 3969 2597 1692 2571 898 1405 1132 1255 1560 585 1075 925 2989 6413 999 3950 2192 2810 829 1461 900 1261 191 1113 57 1609 2674 242 776 996 904 837 943 543 1669 651 259 1177 954 1871 553 1368 646 1607 1021 269 1323 1039 471 738 872 2245 989 2009 591 656 107 338 1285 850 861 3560 4959 1602 1696 1328 1419 475 369 736 351 1327 1458 557 591 824 643 1403 393 1009
9 77 129 87 98 81 86 124 74 68 103 82 104 54 66 50 31 81 112 347 192 192 135 94 122 153 194 129 130 80 273 53 140 96 90 91 79 108 131 100 91 54 96 68 104 62 101 100 119 137 94 88 99 97 144 101 95 112 107 71 72 76 125 81 148 125 98 113 111 96 101 76 122 140 84 121 106 59 134 90 141 75 59 82 91 48 25
10 0 0 0 0 0 0 9 0 2 2 4 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 1 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 2 8 0 2 2 1 0 0 0 14 1 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 2 0 0 10 7 0 1 0 3 9 2 3 2 0 6 3 0 0 0 6 0 3 1 5 4 0 4 0 0 3 1 11 1 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
12 0 4 0 0 0 1 0 6 5 0 4 0 0 5 0 0 2 1 0 7 0 2 0 0 5 7 0 0 3 6 1 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 4 1 0 3 0 0 0 0 4 2 4 0 12 4 1 3 0 0 0 5 0 5 0 2 0 12 3 5 0 3 1 1 3 1 5 0 1 0 0 3 0 0 0 0

Note that the name for the column of gene IDs is blank. Label the column to avoid confusion:

colnames(covid19_exp)[1] <- "entrezgene_id" ## genes were labeled w/ Entrez IDs

Defining group

This is an experiment with a simple design: a simple comparison between two sample groups: COVID-19 and healthy control.(Thair et al. 2021)

For most experiments in the GEO database, groups to which samples belong are usually indicated in samples’ titles. This means we are able to define groups for samples using regex to check their titles, which are the column names of the count matrix.

It used to be the case for GSE152641. Samples that are in the healthy control group had BRH or HMN prefix in their titles, and those in the COVID-19 group had ESC prefix. However, the author of GSE152641 recently replaced the prefix in all of the samples’ title with IMX_sample; in fact they changed the whole samples’ titles. This means we can no longer identify samples’ groups from their titles. The only way to find out their groups is look up their GSM accession numbers. Indeed, checking them one at a time on the GEO accession viewer and manually grouping them are lame.

We can again turn to GEOquery for retrieving samples’ metadata associated with their GSM accession numbers:

gse <- GEOquery::getGEO(GEO = series, GSEMatrix = FALSE)
gsm <- GEOquery::GSMList(gse)

The metadata of the experiment GSE152641 in the GEO database is in the SOFT format. GEOquery can parse the metadata of GSE152641 into GSE class, and each sample’s GSM data is in the list under the GSE object.

To view the first 5 samples’ GSM accession numbers:

head(names(gsm), n = 5)
[1] "GSM4622627" "GSM4622628" "GSM4622629" "GSM4622630" "GSM4622631"

And the metadata that we need from the first sample:

GEOquery::Meta(gsm[[1]])[c(2, 31)]
[1] "disease: Healthy control" "tissue: Whole blood"     
[3] "age: 46"                  "Sex: Male"               

[1] "IMX_sample00001"

Knowing these two pieces of information for each sample of the experiment, we are now able to define groups for the samples in R. The most R-ish way I’ve come up with so far without using a for-loop:

samples <- lapply(gsm,
                  function(x) {
                      group  <- unlist(
                                         pattern = "(\\s).*",  ## match by space
                          )[1] ## using regex to extract sample group
                      ## remove space at the beginning of a string
                      group  <- gsub(pattern = "^\\s", "", group)
                      sample <- GEOquery::Meta(x)$title
                              sample      = sample,
                              group       = group,
                              check.names = FALSE
samples <-, samples) ## combine the elements of a list
sample group
GSM4622627 IMX_sample00001 Healthy control
GSM4622628 IMX_sample00002 Healthy control
GSM4622629 IMX_sample00003 Healthy control
GSM4622630 IMX_sample00004 Healthy control
GSM4622631 IMX_sample00005 Healthy control
GSM4622632 IMX_sample00006 Healthy control
GSM4622633 IMX_sample00007 Healthy control
GSM4622634 IMX_sample00008 Healthy control
GSM4622635 IMX_sample00009 Healthy control
GSM4622636 IMX_sample00010 Healthy control
GSM4622637 IMX_sample00011 Healthy control
GSM4622638 IMX_sample00012 Healthy control
GSM4622639 IMX_sample00013 Healthy control
GSM4622640 IMX_sample00014 Healthy control
GSM4622641 IMX_sample00015 Healthy control
GSM4622642 IMX_sample00016 Healthy control
GSM4622643 IMX_sample00017 Healthy control
GSM4622644 IMX_sample00018 Healthy control
GSM4622645 IMX_sample00019 COVID19
GSM4622646 IMX_sample00020 COVID19
GSM4622647 IMX_sample00021 COVID19
GSM4622648 IMX_sample00022 COVID19
GSM4622649 IMX_sample00023 COVID19
GSM4622650 IMX_sample00024 COVID19
GSM4622651 IMX_sample00025 COVID19
GSM4622652 IMX_sample00026 COVID19
GSM4622653 IMX_sample00027 COVID19
GSM4622654 IMX_sample00028 COVID19
GSM4622655 IMX_sample00029 COVID19
GSM4622656 IMX_sample00030 COVID19
GSM4622657 IMX_sample00031 COVID19
GSM4622658 IMX_sample00032 COVID19
GSM4622659 IMX_sample00033 COVID19
GSM4622660 IMX_sample00034 COVID19
GSM4622661 IMX_sample00035 COVID19
GSM4622662 IMX_sample00036 COVID19
GSM4622663 IMX_sample00037 COVID19
GSM4622664 IMX_sample00038 COVID19
GSM4622665 IMX_sample00039 COVID19
GSM4622666 IMX_sample00040 COVID19
GSM4622667 IMX_sample00041 COVID19
GSM4622668 IMX_sample00042 COVID19
GSM4622669 IMX_sample00043 COVID19
GSM4622670 IMX_sample00044 COVID19
GSM4622671 IMX_sample00045 COVID19
GSM4622672 IMX_sample00046 COVID19
GSM4622673 IMX_sample00047 COVID19
GSM4622674 IMX_sample00048 COVID19
GSM4622675 IMX_sample00049 COVID19
GSM4622676 IMX_sample00050 COVID19
GSM4622677 IMX_sample00051 COVID19
GSM4622678 IMX_sample00052 COVID19
GSM4622679 IMX_sample00053 COVID19
GSM4622680 IMX_sample00054 COVID19
GSM4622681 IMX_sample00055 COVID19
GSM4622682 IMX_sample00056 COVID19
GSM4622683 IMX_sample00057 COVID19
GSM4622684 IMX_sample00058 COVID19
GSM4622685 IMX_sample00059 COVID19
GSM4622686 IMX_sample00060 COVID19
GSM4622687 IMX_sample00061 COVID19
GSM4622688 IMX_sample00062 COVID19
GSM4622689 IMX_sample00063 COVID19
GSM4622690 IMX_sample00064 COVID19
GSM4622691 IMX_sample00065 COVID19
GSM4622692 IMX_sample00066 COVID19
GSM4622693 IMX_sample00067 COVID19
GSM4622694 IMX_sample00068 COVID19
GSM4622695 IMX_sample00069 COVID19
GSM4622696 IMX_sample00070 COVID19
GSM4622697 IMX_sample00071 COVID19
GSM4622698 IMX_sample00072 COVID19
GSM4622699 IMX_sample00073 COVID19
GSM4622700 IMX_sample00074 COVID19
GSM4622701 IMX_sample00075 COVID19
GSM4622702 IMX_sample00076 COVID19
GSM4622703 IMX_sample00077 COVID19
GSM4622704 IMX_sample00078 COVID19
GSM4622705 IMX_sample00079 COVID19
GSM4622706 IMX_sample00080 COVID19
GSM4622707 IMX_sample00081 Healthy control
GSM4622708 IMX_sample00082 Healthy control
GSM4622709 IMX_sample00083 Healthy control
GSM4622710 IMX_sample00084 Healthy control
GSM4622711 IMX_sample00085 Healthy control
GSM4622712 IMX_sample00086 Healthy control

Save this data frame as an R object. We will need to use it later when performing differential gene expression analysis:

saveRDS(object = samples, file = file.path(".", "data", "samples.rds"))

Normalising counts

Create a numeric matrix of the read counts with the gene IDs as row names:

counts           <- as.matrix(covid19_exp[2:87])
rownames(counts) <- covid19_exp$entrezgene_id

According to the edgeR differential expression analysis protocol(Anders et al. 2013):

“it is recommended to remove features without at least 1 read per million in n of the samples, where n is the size of the smallest group of replicates”

The reason is that a gene must be expressed at some minimal level before it can be translated into a protein. This means genes with very low counts across all libraries provide little evidence for differential expression.

Since we have only two groups: 24 healthy human controls and 62 COVID-19 patients, 24 is the size is the smallest group of biological replicates here:

cpms <- edgeR::cpm(counts)
keep <- rowSums(cpms > 1) >= 24

Or alternatively, by the Bioconductor edgeR user guide:

keep <- edgeR::filterByExpr(cpms, group = samples$group)

It ultimately comes down to users’ preferences for whichever method to use; they produce the same result.

And we only keep genes that meet the threshold of at least 1 read per million in 24 of the samples:

counts <- counts[keep, ]

edgeR stores data in its own data class DGEList and performs analyses on it. Hence we need to first create a DGEList to store the read counts.

Note that although the edgeR documentation says the DGEList constructor takes a numeric matrix for its counts argument, the edgeR user guide says the counts argument can take either a matrix or a data.frame object.

d <- edgeR::DGEList(
  counts = counts,
  group  = samples$group ## add the grouping factor

To estimate the scale factors between samples for TMM normalization:

d <- edgeR::calcNormFactors(d)

Extract the normalised count matrix:

normalised_counts <- edgeR::cpm(d)

Save the normalised count matrix as an R object for later analyses:

saveRDS(object = normalised_counts,
        file   = file.path(".", "data", "normalised_counts.rds"))

Distribution for read counts - Before vs. after normalisation

Even though we are comparing the distributions for pre-normalised read counts and post-normalised read counts, we still normalise the pre-normalised read counts to counts per million (CPM) to account for differences in library sizes between samples for a comparable result. More precisely, we are comparing the distributions for two-fold changes in expression before and after TMM normalisation. Note that genes that were previously removed according to the protocol are also excluded in this comparison.

Show code
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))

        xlab     = "Samples",
        ylab     = "log2 CPM",
        las      = 2,
        cex      = 0.5,
        cex.lab  = 0.75,
        cex.axis = 0.25,
        main     = "Before TMM Normalisation",
        cex.main = 0.75)

#draw the median on each box plot
abline(h   = median(apply(log2(counts), MARGIN = 2, FUN = median)),
       col = "green",
       lwd = 0.75,
       lty = 2)

        xlab     = "Samples",
        ylab     = "log2 CPM",
        las      = 2,
        cex      = 0.5,
        cex.lab  = 0.75,
        cex.axis = 0.25,
        main     = "After TMM Normalisation",
        cex.main = 0.75)
# draw the median on each box plot
abline(h   = median(apply(log2(normalised_counts), MARGIN = 2,FUN = median)),
       col = "green",
       lwd = 0.75,
       lty = 2)

Show code
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))

log2CPM_density <- apply(log2(counts),
                         MARGIN = 2,
                         FUN    = density)

## Get the normalised fold change cpm
normalised_log2CPM_density <- apply(log2(normalised_counts),
                                    MARGIN = 2,
                                    FUN    = density)

## Calculate the limits across all the samples
xlim <- 0; ylim <- 0
for (i in seq_along(log2CPM_density)) {
    xlim <- range(c(xlim, log2CPM_density[[i]]$x))
    ylim <- range(c(ylim, log2CPM_density[[i]]$y))
for (i in seq_along(normalised_log2CPM_density)) {
    xlim <- range(c(xlim, normalised_log2CPM_density[[i]]$x))
    ylim <- range(c(ylim, normalised_log2CPM_density[[i]]$y))

## 86 line colours for all 86 samples
cols <- rainbow(length(log2CPM_density))
## choose line type 1 for density graphs of all 86 samples
ltys <- rep(1, length(log2CPM_density))

## Initialize the density plot without density lines
     xlim     = xlim,
     ylim     = ylim,
     type     = "n",
     ylab     = "Smoothing density of log2-CPM",
     main     = "Before TMM normalisation",
     cex.main = 0.7,
     cex.lab  = 0.75
## Plot smoothing density for each sample
for (i in seq_along(log2CPM_density)) {
          col = cols[i])
## Create legend for samples
       col      = cols,
       lty      = ltys,
       cex      = 0.15,
       border   = "blue",
       text.col = "green4",
       merge    = TRUE,
       bg       = "gray90")

## Initialize the density plot without density lines
     xlim     = xlim,
     ylim     = ylim,
     type     = "n",
     ylab     = "Smoothing density of log2-CPM",
     main     = "After TMM normalisation",
     cex.main = 0.65,
     cex.lab  = 0.75,

## Plot smoothing density for each sample
for (i in seq_along(normalised_log2CPM_density)) {
          col = cols[i])
## Create legend for samples
       col      = cols,
       lty      = ltys,
       cex      = 0.15,
       border   = "blue",
       text.col = "green4",
       merge    = TRUE,
       bg       = "gray90")

The medians of distributions for normalised RNA-seq counts are much closer to each other. The interquartile ranges for the gene expression levels of each sample also become more consistent after normalisation applied. This means 50% of gene expression levels have similar distributions for each sample.

Post-normalisation Analysis

Biological coefficient of variation (BCV)

To capture the variability in gene expressions between sample groups, we use group as target to build a model matrix:

model_design <- model.matrix(~group, data = samples)
(Intercept) groupHealthy control
GSM4622627 1 1
GSM4622628 1 1
GSM4622629 1 1
GSM4622630 1 1
GSM4622631 1 1
GSM4622632 1 1
GSM4622633 1 1
GSM4622634 1 1
GSM4622635 1 1
GSM4622636 1 1
GSM4622637 1 1
GSM4622638 1 1
GSM4622639 1 1
GSM4622640 1 1
GSM4622641 1 1
GSM4622642 1 1
GSM4622643 1 1
GSM4622644 1 1
GSM4622645 1 0
GSM4622646 1 0
GSM4622647 1 0
GSM4622648 1 0
GSM4622649 1 0
GSM4622650 1 0
GSM4622651 1 0
GSM4622652 1 0
GSM4622653 1 0
GSM4622654 1 0
GSM4622655 1 0
GSM4622656 1 0
GSM4622657 1 0
GSM4622658 1 0
GSM4622659 1 0
GSM4622660 1 0
GSM4622661 1 0
GSM4622662 1 0
GSM4622663 1 0
GSM4622664 1 0
GSM4622665 1 0
GSM4622666 1 0
GSM4622667 1 0
GSM4622668 1 0
GSM4622669 1 0
GSM4622670 1 0
GSM4622671 1 0
GSM4622672 1 0
GSM4622673 1 0
GSM4622674 1 0
GSM4622675 1 0
GSM4622676 1 0
GSM4622677 1 0
GSM4622678 1 0
GSM4622679 1 0
GSM4622680 1 0
GSM4622681 1 0
GSM4622682 1 0
GSM4622683 1 0
GSM4622684 1 0
GSM4622685 1 0
GSM4622686 1 0
GSM4622687 1 0
GSM4622688 1 0
GSM4622689 1 0
GSM4622690 1 0
GSM4622691 1 0
GSM4622692 1 0
GSM4622693 1 0
GSM4622694 1 0
GSM4622695 1 0
GSM4622696 1 0
GSM4622697 1 0
GSM4622698 1 0
GSM4622699 1 0
GSM4622700 1 0
GSM4622701 1 0
GSM4622702 1 0
GSM4622703 1 0
GSM4622704 1 0
GSM4622705 1 0
GSM4622706 1 0
GSM4622707 1 1
GSM4622708 1 1
GSM4622709 1 1
GSM4622710 1 1
GSM4622711 1 1
GSM4622712 1 1
Show code
d <- edgeR::estimateDisp(d, design = model_design)
edgeR::plotBCV(d, col.tagwise = "black", col.common = "red",
               main = "Common and Tag-wise Dispersion vs Expression Levels")

edgeR models gene counts with the negative binomial distribution, which assumes the variance of gene counts depends on two dispersion parameters, one of which is the negative binomial dispersion, which describes how much variance deviates from the mean, and the BCV is the square root of this dispersion parameter under the negative binomial model.

The BCV plot presents the estimated relative variability of expression between biological replicates; it illustrates the association between the biological CV and the average true gene abundance.

The common dispersion line suggests all gene expression values vary by close to a BCV value of 0.5 among replicates.(McCarthy, Chen, and Smyth 2012b) The tag-wise dispersion shows BCV values calculated individually for each gene. We observe that genes with higher true abundance (under the assumption that RNA-seq counts follow a negative binomial distribution) have lower BCV’s than genes with lower abundance. This implies that the higher the true expression level of a gene has, the lower its variation in our samples.

Mean-variance relationship

Show code
    object                       = d,
    show.raw.vars                = TRUE,
    show.tagwise.vars            = TRUE,
    NBline                       = TRUE,
    show.ave.raw.vars            = TRUE,
    show.binned.common.disp.vars = TRUE,
    main                         = paste(
        "Mean-variance Relationship for 14425 Genes of",
        "COVID-19 Group and Healthy Control Group"),
    cex.main                     = 0.8

The mean-variance plot presents the modelling of the mean-variance relationship for the normalised expression values, which are split into bins by overall expression level in the model. The grey points represent the pooled gene-wise variances. The blue points on the mean-variance plot represent the estimated gene-wise variances. The red crosses represent the pooled gene-wise variances, while the dark red crosses represent the the average of the pooled variances for each bin of genes plotted against the average expression level of the genes in the bin. The blue line shows the mean-variance relationship for a negative binomial model with common dispersion.(Mark D. Robinson, McCarthy, and Smyth 2009)(McCarthy, Chen, and Smyth 2012a) We observe that all types of variances fit well along the negative binomial line.

Sample relations

Show code
    col      = c("#b7371d", "#51af84")[factor(samples$group)],
    main     = paste("Variation between Samples in Expression Level"),
    cex.main = 1,
    cex      = 0.5,
    cex.axis = 0.75,
    cex.lab  = 0.75
       lwd      = 2,
       text.col = c("#51af84","#b7371d"),
       legend   = c("Healthy control", "COVID19"),
       lty      = 0,
       cex      = 0.5)

The MDS plot presents variation among samples based on the normalised gene expression. The distances between each pair of samples on the MDS plot suggest how different these samples are in terms of log fold changes of the expression levels of the filtered genes. The healthy control and the COVID-19 patient samples form separate clusters along the plot in the leading logFC dimension 1.

To Do

As the genes in this dataset were labeled with Entrez gene IDs, before performing any further analyses with the processed RNA-seq data, we need to map them to their HGNC names, which are how genes are referred in most annotation datasets and literatures, and more meaningful than simply numerical IDs. This step is supposed to be part of the initial processing; however, mappings produced by different databases vary in quality. I will compare the mapping results produced by 3 different databases and finish converting gene IDs in a later post.

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Li (2021, July 5). GEO DataSets: Experiment Selection and Initial Processing. Retrieved from

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  author = {Li, Feifei},
  title = { GEO DataSets: Experiment Selection and Initial Processing},
  url = {},
  year = {2021}